By grounded4life - 22/07/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, I tried to make my mom feel better about me leaving for camp for 2 weeks by saying I wish she would come too. She took me seriously and called the camp and is now a camp counselor there. The only problem is I lied about going to the camp, and I'm really going to my boyfriend's lake house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 360
You deserved it 83 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barty5858 0

well at least you learned that lying is bad

your mum is scary if she took that seriously


YDI. There are ways to make your mom feel better that do not include lying.

Don't EVER try to lighten the mood. It messes up everything. There's plenty of FMLs about it

thelonelylurker 0

#46 wrong FML. Haha kids lying to parents, hilarious.

Lol sadly I know who left this. It's totally fake.

ydi for lieing. how about showing some respect for your mother and not breaking her trust in you.

Now imagine if you had said "i wish you could come with to my boyfriends lake house mommy.." Good thing you told her camp.