By grounded4life - 22/07/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, I tried to make my mom feel better about me leaving for camp for 2 weeks by saying I wish she would come too. She took me seriously and called the camp and is now a camp counselor there. The only problem is I lied about going to the camp, and I'm really going to my boyfriend's lake house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 360
You deserved it 83 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barty5858 0

well at least you learned that lying is bad

your mum is scary if she took that seriously


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is hilarious! You totally deserve it but thanx for the laugh....

AfricanChick 0

Stuff like that ALWAYS happens to me.

totally a ydi. if you're young enough for camp you're 18 or under, had her sign papers and give cash(since otherwise you couldn't cash a check an shed have realized it didn't cash) thinking you were going to a camp. then she's tricked into thinking you've gotten nervous bout going without 'mommy' and volunteers.

wait didn't she have to pay? ohhhhh, u probably took the money, nice (;. I love these FMLs that get me psyched for camp (:

Heh, I'm calling ******* bullshit on this one. Becoming a camp counsellor isn't something that can be done at the drop of a hat - unless the place is incredibly skeevy and/or unlicensed, there are background checks, reference requirements, and interviews involved for anyone who works with children. (Which you very obviously are). And even if your mother is a goddamned certified grade school teacher, no camp is going to hire a 40 year old woman to be a counsellor when they can talk a teenaged kid into doing it for room and board. The real FML here is that you're so desperate for attention that you feel compelled to make up elaborate lies about how much your life sucks just so people will pity you.

kahyia 0

yea i agree with 35 i call bullshit for a few reasons 1. like #35 said most camps just dont hire counselors all willy-nilly (yes i do use the phrase willy-nilly) they do checks and if anything they try to make the counselorsaround the same age as the camp's intended audience 2. Given that the OP didnt specify an age I, personally cant think of an age/(age range) where a kid would have the option of staying at their bf/gf beach house AND their mom would ACTUALLY miss them enough to WANT to spend the summer in a camp... (the only plausible age range i could think of is "late highschool" and even then i doubt most mothers would be willing forgo their comfortable house for the great outdoors)

I'm not saying that this post is the truth...but I can say that I went to camp for many years (including late high school) and one of my friends moms showed up as a nurse about halfway through the summer. If the camp KNOWS they're qualified (which is quite possible), they are willing to hire if they need the staff!!

she probably knew her daughter was up to something lol