By lifedamntough - 28/06/2009 11:49 - Singapore

Today, I took a shower after I finished typing an important essay I've been working on for days. My computer illiterate mum shut the computer down when I was gone, without saving a thing. When I confronted her, she yelled at me for "wasting electricity". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 182
You deserved it 64 983

Same thing different taste

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114tigers 0

Dude you should always save your shit before you leave the computer. Trust me.

if it was that important, YDI for not having the common sense to save it.


zee209 0

YDI for being an idiot and not saving!

You know, this is what's wrong with NA these days. a) "it's not my fault": suck it up princess and take responsibility for yourself b) wasting electricity: millions of people like you around the world burning all that coal and oil, and not giving a damn

I agree with you on a), but don't you think b) is a little hypocritical? You are, after all, using electricity to access FML and post comments. And if this isn't a waste of energy, I don't know what is ;)

Is NA supposed to stand for North America? Because the OP is from Singapore...

touché on part B, I guess this is a waste of electricity as well. So apparently at least this one Singaporean is as spoilt as the average North American

YDI for not having common sense to use the auto save function and if there`s none save it at least once every hours worth of work you`ve done. What would you have done if the power flickered, computer crashed, program crashed, etc.... you`d have had the same problem and no one to try to blame besides yourself. Note I said try to because you should have had sense to save!

you can't blame your mum for that. you're the one that didn't save before you took a shower.

bittersweets 2

YDI for not saving. "ctrl + s" should be everyone's reflex, who is doing something important on a computer...

Your fault for not saving. You should save really regularly.

This is either false or very deserved..

So... you call your mum a computer illiterate although you don't have enough experience with computers to know that you should save your work? If it's true (don't see how anyone can be that stupid), YDI.

WOW!!! You should have saved your work BEFORE getting off the computer. Common sense, Smartie!