By lifedamntough - 28/06/2009 11:49 - Singapore

Today, I took a shower after I finished typing an important essay I've been working on for days. My computer illiterate mum shut the computer down when I was gone, without saving a thing. When I confronted her, she yelled at me for "wasting electricity". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 182
You deserved it 64 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

114tigers 0

Dude you should always save your shit before you leave the computer. Trust me.

if it was that important, YDI for not having the common sense to save it.


Bullshet 0

Why didn't you save it or print it out if it was done? YDI

this is fake or your IQ is bellow 50. Why would not save something important when you leave to take a shower . I mean really.

this is fake bcuz how did the op save it the other days unlesss they wrote it on paper and was copying it

It's called autosave. Reopen word and it will be there. It autosaves as a default every 10 minutes, and you can change. Will open "Document Recovery" as a little sidebar when you open word/openoffice. Unless your mother turned it off spontaneously as you left the room, it will be there, fully saved, and complete. Otherwise you may have to do the final paragraph again. And you say your mother is "computer illiterate"???

This is why I abuse the save feature.

Swimmergrl 0

You should have saved it BEFORE you took a shower. Duh!

Dude, I'm pretty sure that Word had autosave since windows 98.

You're an idiot! Why didn't you save before you went and took your shower? What if the power had gone out? You totally deserve it, even if you have to write the whole thing over again.

dude, this is totally your own fault. I mean, yeah it sucks, but guess what? you should have taken the 2 seconds to save it before you went to take a shower.

people who don't get computers shouldn't touch other peoples computers