By Anonymous - 12/03/2013 18:40 - Canada - London

Today, I told my mom about the rough time I'm having over my recent break-up, and how I can't help thinking about my ex every single day. Her attempt to console me involved saying, "Pft. I bet he doesn't think about you every day" and walking away. Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 453
You deserved it 6 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least now you're thinking of how much of a bitch she is instead of being depressed about your ex boyfriend

Perhaps what she was trying to say was that you shouldn't be wasting your time thinking about someone who doesn't want to be with you because you deserve better than that. Or maybe your mom is just a bitch.


Hah. Moms are great. But seriously sorry about the breakup, time is the best remedy.

Lionesse 15

Time doesn't always heal wounds.

Exactly. It's painful cause there's hope. Once you kill the hope that you can return to the previous state, there's nothing to hurt for.

Oh and also, it takes action to kill hope, not just sitting around waiting.

They could still have hope. Just trying your best to get is all they can do and they might eventually see that breaking up was the best route for their relationship.

Listen to Jemm and crush all hope. And while you're at it, reinstate Nazism!

lincolnkite 6

Still better than my mom. My Ex and I broke up about 2 years ago. My mom has frame pictures of her still on the wall, and every family reunion everyone asks me how she is doing.

Moms: Not good at everything. Sorry she said that OP, I know how it feels to the T. Find a friend who understands and supports you and don't confide in your mom on this topic again.

Well at least now you're thinking of how much of a bitch she is instead of being depressed about your ex boyfriend

Lionesse 15

That actually works if it is done intentionally. When I had to hike 15 miles once, after a couple of hours I would start to complain about my feet hurting. My friend said something outrageous to me that completely occupied my attention to the point where I finished the hike and didn't think about my feet anymore. Physiological crap is interesting.

Lionesse 15

#30 Woops. My bad. You are right.

HooyoMacaan 7

She is a bitch for telling the truth? Realistically speaking he most likely isn't thinking of her. Sbe might have been able to word it better but I bet OP is being overly dramatic. It's crazy how overused bitch is, but how comfortable people are to use it against mothers even if its their own is ******* disgusting.

enormouselephant 15

Breakups are rough, but moving on can be amazing!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and wiser!

Well if you weren't planning to marry him, then you won't get anywhere being mopey. Just get over it.

It isn't always as easy as opening a door, you know…

You have no idea how long they've been together or whether they were planning to get married or not, though.

rabidpeach 5

no, they prob werent going to get married. doesnt say anywhere but folks dont run for mommie consolation unless they live with them. and she's right, dood prob doesnt think about her like that.

It depends how close you are with your family. I haven't lived in the same city as my parents in two years and have never known someone who gives better life advice than my mom. Talking to a parent about a bad breakup says nothing about OP's living situation

RedPillSucks 31

Actually, people who have reasonably close family ties do go to their parents for consolation. Not everyone hates their parents.

fishstick557 14

5 have you ever loved someone so much and they just left you hopeless and confused? You may have reacted differently IF it even happened but have a heart. OP is hurt and she can't even go to her mother for support

Match her up with a boyfriend and when they break-up and she says that,simply reply with "Pft. I bet he doesn't think about you every day" ;)

Did you not think of the possibility that her mom could be married to her dad?

You're not the family oriented type I presume...

Perhaps what she was trying to say was that you shouldn't be wasting your time thinking about someone who doesn't want to be with you because you deserve better than that. Or maybe your mom is just a bitch.

kishorekumar_a 10

She was saying that alright. But she could have been a little more compassionate...

....and compassion deficit disorder too! Jeeze #8, are you OP's mother or just a thoughtless jerk wad?

I think this is probably mom-speak for 'you whine too much'. Sorry about the break-up OP.

Keeping busy is your best bet. Find someone to talk to who isn't so dismissive, but don't take too much of their time talking about your ex - friends like that can be exhausting. Talk about positive things too, it'll cheer you up!