By jentown11 - 28/09/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I told my husband I wanted a divorce. He told me he didn't. End of discussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 785
You deserved it 18 025

Same thing different taste


Listen to him and try marriage counseling.

nicholasj96 9

I don't know why this one really tickles me. is there a follow up?

amless 6

Wonder why you wanted to divorce ;)

d123454321b 14

Screw him! Hand him the papers!

you should just up and leave then...what are you gonna do? accept his answer and be miserable your whole life?

Here's a pretty bad situation for us on FML.. You don't tell us why. If it's just because you don't want to be with him? Or he's abusive? Doesn't communicate? Cheater in denial? We can't give solid advice because you didn't give us details. Sorry

My wife once told me she wanted a divorce. I told her I didn't. Did I say wife? I meant ex-wife. A divorce only takes the consent of one.