Body issues

By ashamed - 09/05/2020 02:00

Today, my boyfriend walked in on me showering in the dark. When he asked why, I just told him it’s more relaxing for me. Truth is, after losing 120 lbs, I’m so disgusted by the look of my sagging skin that I can’t bear to see myself naked anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 871
You deserved it 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a very impressive accomplishment! Congratulations! Counciling may help with how you view your body and can help guide you to change your view of yourself. Time could help tighten your skin or Surgery. The commitment it takes to lose that much weight is amazing and definitely something I I wish I had.

Firstly Congratulations on loosing that much weight. I wish I could do it. Secondly depending on how much time it took you to lose that much weight, genetics, overall health and a couple of other things body contouring surgery may/may not be needed. It can be UP TO $10,000 for the surgery. If you decide not to have the Surgery then it can take up to 2 years to see if your skin will repair itself on its own. Good Luck.


Firstly Congratulations on loosing that much weight. I wish I could do it. Secondly depending on how much time it took you to lose that much weight, genetics, overall health and a couple of other things body contouring surgery may/may not be needed. It can be UP TO $10,000 for the surgery. If you decide not to have the Surgery then it can take up to 2 years to see if your skin will repair itself on its own. Good Luck.

That's a very impressive accomplishment! Congratulations! Counciling may help with how you view your body and can help guide you to change your view of yourself. Time could help tighten your skin or Surgery. The commitment it takes to lose that much weight is amazing and definitely something I I wish I had.

congrats!! there are things you can do to fix the skin, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. obviously your bf is still there, and 120 lbs is no joke! be proud of yourself, you deserve it

EmDizzle2007 28

that's the thing they don't tell fat people about weight loss. you MIGHT be healthier, but you're gonna look pretty bad depending on how big you were and how much you lost. worse for women because of self-imposed beauty standards; boobs and butt shrink and sad. there's always plastic surgery, but it's probably easier to learn to love what you look like and keep on truckin'.

Paige217 9

firstly I have to say well done. I'm so super proud of you, that's a crazy big accomplishment. But I will say I know what you're going through, I'm also on the weight loss path and seeing my skin starting to sag is awful. But I hope you find a way to get the surgery done or at least find a way to help lift it. but either way. I'm proud of you

uniformed 13

so what you're saying is you don't care for your newly built in fanny pack? lol

Congrats that’s so amazing of you to do something that so many people struggle to do. Be proud of yourself and it takes time for anyone to truly love their body! There are a lot of options to help tighten your ski. Do some research and see what works for you! Keep up the hard work.

coius 23

Some insurances will cover the skin removal as it can lead to heart issues if it remains. As a person who has been in the same position as you, congrats. Its not easy, but look at it as a living testament to your willpower and ability to follow through and treat yourself well. Its not ugly. Its the record of your battle and shows your victory and effort. You should be proud!

Unfortunately most times they won’t cover it because they consider it cosmetic and not life threatening. It’s sad.

Unfortunately most times they won’t cover it because they consider it cosmetic and not life threatening. It’s sad.

You should be proud as hell of that skin. You have done so many hard things to improve your quality of life. Wear it proud!!!!

Yes amazing job loosing the weight, since are skin isn’t elastic or rubber once it’s stretched it’s stretched. You kinda have to get it nipped and tucked you could prob get your insturance to cover it by getting a doctor submit it as something that is effecting your body maybe the skin is heavy causing back pains or that your it’s making it hard to breathe something like that. depend on your age and height you want to be about average and then start gaining muscle since muscle actually is heavier then fat tissue before you have the extra skin removed