By avocadopurse - 09/07/2018 19:00

Today, I told my grandmother I was planning a trip to take my newborn son to meet his great-great-grandfather before it was too late. She had a guilty expression on her face. My great-grandfather died 4 months ago and my family forgot to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 938
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

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How do you even FORGET to tell someone something like this? is this an almost fml. this is the worst thing ive read all week and i read like two trump tweets the other day.

Comments is this an almost fml. this is the worst thing ive read all week and i read like two trump tweets the other day.

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ThatGuy9679 13

sounds like you're already occupying the cry closet

blightsight 10

I see more complaints about President Trump than I ever saw about Obama. and these complaints are never relevant to the post they're on.

Justin Andrews 5

crybaby kitten cries about someone's feelings

Are you perhaps feeling a little triggered, AngryKitten?

triggered? nah I'm not a little bitch liberal. are you? i forgot! not allowed to speak my mind to libs.

y'all find every opportunity to insult Trump, like fr! on a person's post about a dead relative. keepin it classy as usual, left.

We don't make everything about how awful he is. He does that for himself, and then we laugh.

How do you even FORGET to tell someone something like this?

boopingsnoot 24

My family forgot to tell me about my great-grandpa’s death for a couple months, too.

This is rather sad. It took them four months to realize they forgot to tell you that he died?

I’m sorry for your loss. On the plus side, small kids are traumatized by looking at very old people. Your kid dodged that bullet, yikes!

How did they "forget" to tell you? That just doesn't seem right.

Whaaat!!! That’s amazing!!! I mean you had your GREAT-GREAT-GRANDFATHER for a while!! Many people don’t even get the pleasure/pride/privilege to know their great-grandparents or even their grandparents!! Anyhow. Very sorry for your loss.

It was OP's great-grandfather and her child's great-great grandfather. I'm lucky that I had one of my great-grandparents (my maternal grandmother's mom) until I was 18.

your_friendly_accountant 6

i mean... you were pregnant at the time of his death. your family probably didn't want to upset you or stress you out... i'm not saying this behavior is ok, but it's pretty common in such situations.

Dragonmastergod 14

I'm incredibly sorry for your lost. I couldn't imagine if one of my loved ones died and noone told me.