By Anonymous - 09/07/2018 15:00
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 11/06/2012 11:18 - United States
Sleepless in Singapore
By Anonymous - 30/07/2022 10:00 - Singapore - Singapore
By Anonymous - 07/06/2022 18:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/11/2014 19:47 - Australia - Werribee
By shadowsorel - 30/08/2012 20:34 - United States - Chicago
By gummy - 03/05/2019 16:00
Time for tinnitus
By Anonymous - 11/11/2022 18:00 - United States - Cecil
Jump scare
By Anonymous - 07/03/2022 00:00 - Canada - Emsdale
We're all in hell
By Looking4AnApartment - 16/02/2021 15:30 - United States - Bellmore
You're in the army now, oh ohoh
By Anonymous - 01/07/2020 17:03
Top comments
This is where you go into his room while he's sleeping and smash everything electronic, then sign the little bastard up for boot camp. He'll learn how to wake up at civilized times, and have a better respect for those who served in the armed forces.
Someone said it
It's time for you to enjoy a new set of speakers courtesy of your stepson. Strip his room bare of his unnecessary possessions and have him learn respect the hard way.
that is so calculated and disgusting behaviour. I hope he is punished and you take away his gadgets so that he learns it is not ok to exploit other people's mental well-being like that.
I'd make sure his mother is on board with any punishment you mete out. He might want to drive a wedge between you and her. You need solidarity on this one. In this situation, he is the enemy and you have to set up a united front. Once he realizes he can't pit you and his mother against each other, he may just cave in.
Back when I was little if I do something this dickish I would get the belt x.x Asian way of being raised.
Jamaican way too. I would have gotten my behind whooped for a week if I tried to pull this. The only way I'd be allowed to stay in bed that long is with the flu.
calculated and manipulative behaviour. cut that kids ties with anything electronic, little shit needs to learn some respect, not only for his step dad but for a veteran.
You should make that brat do some volunteer work at a clinic that helps people cope with PTSD, in addition to signing him up for military school.
Normally I'm against violence But sounds like someone needs a drop kick to the face.
thats when you talk his mother into sending him to summer boot camp
You ought to frag the little bastard.
You need to have a discussion with his mother. Respect goes two ways from parent to child, especially in a stepchild and step-parent house, but this sort of disrespect and vicious behavior is uncalled for, especially from someone who is suffering from such traumatic PTSD. It’s practically sociopathic. You need to explain to his mother how disrespectful it is to you, and how your step-son cannot continue this behavior, and find ways to figure out how to correct it; whether it be taking away his electronics or sending him to a summer boot camp. If she doesn’t see anything wrong with this behavior though, then I think you found the core problem.

It's time for you to enjoy a new set of speakers courtesy of your stepson. Strip his room bare of his unnecessary possessions and have him learn respect the hard way.
This is where you go into his room while he's sleeping and smash everything electronic, then sign the little bastard up for boot camp. He'll learn how to wake up at civilized times, and have a better respect for those who served in the armed forces.