By depresso - 13/03/2009 05:30 - Canada

Today, I found an obituary clipping on my kitchen table. It was for my grandpa. No one told me he died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 116 115
You deserved it 5 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have no idea how many times that has happened to me. Not just with death, but with like people in my family becoming pregnant, my aunt getting engaged, my uncle proposing to his girlfriend, and many other things. My mom doesn't tell me anything. And my dad's just oblivious hahaha.

catladylovessus 0


catladylovessus 0
mydgmax 0

op it was your responsibility to know :( but I'm sorry :((

How? Do you check daily that you grandpa is dead?

Your suppose to google that everyday, duh.

No, I don't think that was necessary. No one does that.

You have no idea how many times that has happened to me. Not just with death, but with like people in my family becoming pregnant, my aunt getting engaged, my uncle proposing to his girlfriend, and many other things. My mom doesn't tell me anything. And my dad's just oblivious hahaha.

Today I found out my dad went to watch the golf. He left a few days ago, and no one told me.

firstnlast77 0

wow how do you click he deserved that one some people are jerks

Zirafina 0

Could be worse. I Googled myself last year for fun and found my grandmother's obituary. She had died months before that. No one had told anyone in my immediate family, including my father, her son.

bread_fml 0

Sounds to me like your parents just found a crappy way of telling you.