By rubberduck1 - 16/11/2012 05:04 - United States - Mattoon

Today, I told my boss I could handle running the floor buffer. Thirty seconds in, I lost control and became pinned to the wall by its force. In my state of shock and embarrassment, I didn't realize the only thing keeping me trapped was my grip on the accelerator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 298
You deserved it 24 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I guess you're not "ready to rummmmmmble!" No, wait, that's Michael Buffer . . .


Are you one of those annoying "know-it-all" people who claim they can do anything, till you prove yourself wrong....I've met way too many of you in my life to keep count.

jeragonm 15
alicat72998 0

OP, I literally just did a slow clap for you.

m139307 0

well, we found the another reason why there are a lot of car accidents: idiots like this.

Don't say you can run equipment that you have no idea on running. That's how people get hurt.

Been there bro... Hate those things