By TheLifguard95 - 26/04/2016 23:49 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought that working as a lifeguard I would be saving lives, rescuing people and things along those lines. What do I get told to do on my first shift? Clean all the fecal matter and hair out the pool. I almost threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 986
You deserved it 1 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Congrats, sounds like you're in the "wax-on, wax-off" phase of your training. It starts with cleaning fecal matter and hair out of the pool, but eventually your seasoned old instructor will reveal that he's been subconsciously training you to save lives the whole time.

Burton_Forever 23

Someone has to do it if you weren't the new guy another new guy would have to do it, remember nothing in life is handed to you. You must work for what you want in life.


Alup132 22

At least you get to save life's from being infected by diseases solid to a dirty pool!

I'm a lifeguard, and don't worry think about it as helping other people by keeping the pool clean. Not everyone's gonna drown on day one

If everyone drowned on day one, that would be a highly unfortunate circumstance. Besides, what does OP expect? An episode of Baywatch?

Pool stool protection services - still sounds like a pretty important job.

Burton_Forever 23

Someone has to do it if you weren't the new guy another new guy would have to do it, remember nothing in life is handed to you. You must work for what you want in life.

You really didn't consider that keeping the pool clean might be part of the job?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

It sounds like OP was expecting people to just start drowning all over the place so he could swoop in like a hero and save them.

Congrats, sounds like you're in the "wax-on, wax-off" phase of your training. It starts with cleaning fecal matter and hair out of the pool, but eventually your seasoned old instructor will reveal that he's been subconsciously training you to save lives the whole time.

Since you're new, you probs have to wait a little while before actually saving people, but for now, keep people alive by keeping the pool clean. good luck

Cleaning other peoples hair is not a job anyone would want to do! But you can watch hot girls Swimming ;)

@ #3 what about kids with rich parents?

They especially should have a job that does something "dirty" or "non-glorious" to humble them and beat the affluenza out of them I've seen that a lot in kids with rich parents. Don't get me wrong, I grew up as upper middle class so I grew up well off and around wealthy people. But my first job was a high school custodian, it made me respect the working class. I'm an engineer now.

Why is there fecal matter in the pool???!!

Small children who don't know not to poop in the pool, and adults who don't wipe well enough.

I get that, but if there's fecal matter in the pool isn't it supposed to get drained and refilled?

That's why they chlorinate the hell out of public pools. Not so great for your skin, hair, and eyes, but it keeps you from getting pink eye.