By squeak - 12/09/2011 13:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought my hamster might be lonely, so I went to the pet shop and bought a new one to keep him company. The new hamster killed the old one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 126
You deserved it 13 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I brought a new girl home to keep the old one company. She didn't like it so much either :/

It's uncommon knowledge that hamsters are territorial.


i remember that when i was younger, i wanted 2 hamsters... i asked the pet store lady for advice, she told me that you can't have 2 same sex hamsters.... they will fight till' the death... -_- too bad for you....

Thu I can admit it might not be common knowledge that hamsters don't like living together, someone who OWNS a hamster should really look up such facts. Just because it's small doesn't mean you can treat it like crap.

HushHushKeeKat 0

Hamsters, unlike rats, are solitary animals. Poor little fluffers. :'[

trese666 0

stupid pet owner. use google. honestly. damn humans

meirasanya 10

I'm disappointed with both you and the pet shop you bought it from. A responsible pet owner, of any type of pet, would ask advice on how to introduce a new individual. And a Petshop would tell you not to. Some species of hamsters can live in pairs, as long as they're bought together, but you can't introduce a new one mid-life with any small animal species, inc Hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, snakes... Research fail

#170: In my case, your last sentence is absolutely not true. Several years ago we bought a second rabbit a few years after buying our first and aside from the occasional little rivalry scuffle/dominance issues they got along great. They were both males, btw. OP even though you should have been more responsible and done your research it still sucks that happened. :(

mwaligor 1

ether the pet store person was an idot or u didn't listen you can't have hamsters from differnt litters ad even most breeds you can only have one anyways

Apparently, it loves loneliness, in a cruel, bad, bad way..

You must've had two Syrians. They are notoriously loners and will definitely kill any other adult hamster in its area (with the exception of for breeding).

thats really sad:( i hope you got rid of the old one its obviously a bad egg