By John Doe - 29/01/2015 17:01 - United States - Columbia

Today, my parents continue comparing me to my "perfect" friend. He smokes dope, is a compulsive thief, and has gone to juvie numerous times. I'm passing school with flying colors and have never been in any trouble with the law. Apparently I should be more like him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 994
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your parents have a very unique definition of "perfect". Keep doing what you're doing OP.

My parents do this all the time. They compare to kids who are twice as bad as me


Your parents have a very unique definition of "perfect". Keep doing what you're doing OP.

They obviously have no idea what the friend is really like and op isn't about to tell them or else they might not let them hang out anymore.

Or maybe they do its like my mom always say "only compare yourself to the good in other people" she uses that to compare my bad to they're good but never the other way around

My parents do this all the time. They compare to kids who are twice as bad as me

kirbs19 37

They probably have no idea what's going on behind closed doors

That's why I'd tell my parents the background of my friends so they don't compare me, but never the background of people I was seeing.

You must have had a wonderful childhood with such clueless parents.

Sometimes parents only see what they wanna see and ignore all the good. Sorry op. Don't let it get to you. You know you're doing great so just keep doing you.

OP? is your friends name Ricky by any chance?

It's really tough to ignore bad criticism especially from parents, but you have to try and tune them out.

xninix_fml 36

Do your parents know all that about the kid they're comparing you to?

Parents shouldn't criticize their children by comparing them to any of their friends. Parents who do that may as well say they'd rather have the friend as their child instead of their actual child.

Some parents compare you to your friends when in reality they have no idea how they actually are.

Don't pay attention towards nonsense. You are doing great op.

born_hustla 26

Apparently your parents don't know either you or your "perfect friend". Crazy thing is, they probably won't believe you if you told them who your friend really is! ?