By Toldyouso - 22/01/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, I thought it would be romantic to fill my girlfriend's room with scented candles and surprise her when she was done showering. I lied there naked, with Kenny G playing softly. I heard a knock on the door, so I told her to come in. To my surprise it was her mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 293
You deserved it 24 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your girlfriend knock on her own door? You're an idiot for not realizing it would be someone else.

uhohuscrewedup 0

why do ppl try these things when parents are at home. ydi


YDI retard dont freakin do that if the parents are home

I'm assuming that since you were at her parents house you are relatively seriously kenny g??? I don't know any girl who would want to listen to kenny g while having sex

young_generation 0

Aww, that's so sweet, and sexy. lol But yeah, you should really pay attention to your surroundings, ESPECIALLY other people in the house. *rolls eyes* That's like, the number 1 rule to follow, making sure you guys are alone. The thought was nice, but the outcome kind of ruined it. lol

okay, I can understand how this happend since I walked in on my daughters boyfriend laying on the bed stroking himself....

catiredan 0

you deserve it only because of the Kenny G

KENNY G?!! dude, not the elevator music.

you deserve it for being waaaaay too corny.

thats was super sexy until ur mom's girl came in , i bet u were soooo out of the mood !

ArielTheMermaid 17

ydi for thinking someone would knock on their own door