By CandlesSuck - 02/11/2009 03:44 - Canada

Today, I invited my girlfriend to come over, telling her I had a surprise. I filled the bathtub and lit a lot of candles to be romantic. She gets here, and we start doing our thing. Until we smell something burning. It was my hair. I now have a bald spot on the back of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 818
You deserved it 29 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shadow_vamp_503 2

Ouch...painful. Still, it could have been worse. The burn could have been somewhere else...

forgettingsunday 0

40- thats not even relevant.... and thats potter puppet pals, not chamber of secrets.


Shadow_vamp_503 2

Ouch...painful. Still, it could have been worse. The burn could have been somewhere else...

forgettingsunday 0

40- thats not even relevant.... and thats potter puppet pals, not chamber of secrets.

Best FML ever, your life sucks in so many ways...

Exactly. What a depressing, sad and pitiful event has been thrown at your miserable life by cruel, ruthless fate.

That reaaaly sucks. well, at least you got laid :P

The back and forth shifting of past tense and present tense in this FML irks me.

Now you don't have to worry about getting one when your 40...

Crystalyo 0

Guess at that moment you were feeling "so hot"

blobner_bob 0

YDI for being a romantic person

What would have been better if a candle fell in and made bubbles, so your gf thought you farted lol