By housebroken - 22/01/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, my godmother informed me that the rule of thumb my ex had used for our relationship during a year of cohabitation was taken directly from a Cesar Millan book on "How to train dogs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 427
You deserved it 3 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Rule of thumb" comes from an old British law that states a man cannot hit his wife with anything wider than his thumb.

Poke_my_mon 0

Yeah, Wikipedia is TOTALLY inaccurate because "anyone can edit it". Yes, anyone can edit it, but unless it's backed up by a credible source, it won't be allowed by administrators. And, if it is, there is a note that says "This is not information from a credible source" ir "Citation needed". People who hate on Wikipedia for that reason are ignorant.


Like an episode of The Big Bang Theory..

"Rule of thumb" comes from an old British law that states a man cannot hit his wife with anything wider than his thumb.

micci1979 0

While rumor has it that the "rule of thumb" refers to an old law regarding wife-beating, that theory has been discredited. Wikipedia states it more likely refers to using your thumb to measure out an approximate inch. You could beat your wife with whatever you liked.

If your thumb is only one inch long, you are weird.

Jrook 0

yeah wikipedia... you say that as if it were credible

Micci1979 Are you aware of the fact that wikipedia can be edited by anyone? I could write that Elvis was alive and living in my basement. Please don't cite it as a credible source...

Poke_my_mon 0

Yeah, Wikipedia is TOTALLY inaccurate because "anyone can edit it". Yes, anyone can edit it, but unless it's backed up by a credible source, it won't be allowed by administrators. And, if it is, there is a note that says "This is not information from a credible source" ir "Citation needed". People who hate on Wikipedia for that reason are ignorant.

micci1979 0

You could also try, or if Wiki doesn't suit you. Says the same thing. :)

CyclonePsycho 1

Wikipedia is pretty credible. Sure, using it as a source for reasearch papers and such will net you an F, but Wikipedia is great if you need general information. Every time someone edits a page, it is checked over by patrollers. Vandalism is usually fixed in less than an hour. Unfortunately, that particular article on Wikipedia needs additional sources and stuff. So use that information at your own risk.

a1s 3

I always thought "rule of thumb" referred to direction of magnetic lines in relation to the direction of electric current and... err... something or other, from physics class. It would always amazed me how something like that would make it into colloquial speech.

Wikipedia also said polar bears live in the jungle. You can't trust sites anyone can change.

My dad uses his principles on his assistant managers at work! Be the pack leader! :D

Well you really should have guessed that was the case when she started balancing treats on your nose.

I'm sorry, this fml just made me laugh. I am sorry though, at least he is now your ex

That is shallow. What matters the technique that is used as long as their is LOVE and TRUST.

GeorgeBoosh 0

Cesar's technique's don't even work properly on dogs (check his bandages in the TV clips). So why IS he your ex? LOL

anela_fml 0

Women need to be trained like dogs. It's all their simple minds can understand.

mmlprsh 0

no, women are extremely complicated beings that need to be very carefully tricked into doing things!

missey_jey 0

@7 your sexist and stupid to say at the least. you need to be careful about what you put on the internet.

I like your profile picture. but honestly? that could be the mostbsexist thing i've ever heard...

What you said was mean and sexist. This isn't the olden days where women were treated like dogs. This is the 21st century. Women are equal of men and if you can't get that into your brain. Then your gonna have a hard time coping in life seeing all these free women

But did your leesh fit properly? Did he take your temperature with his big fat thermometer?

this is taken from another previous fml. and yes, this can only happen once, therefore this fml is fake.