By Toldyouso - 22/01/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, I thought it would be romantic to fill my girlfriend's room with scented candles and surprise her when she was done showering. I lied there naked, with Kenny G playing softly. I heard a knock on the door, so I told her to come in. To my surprise it was her mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 293
You deserved it 24 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your girlfriend knock on her own door? You're an idiot for not realizing it would be someone else.

uhohuscrewedup 0

why do ppl try these things when parents are at home. ydi


tinypurplegiant 0

a memory that will last FOREVER!

cindayy77 0
cburke9 7

ok, for one Kenny G is not romantic, two, you shouldve just seduced her mom lol

Mkbitch 2

Mom then told Dad who proceeded to chase you with a bat.

Wow. If she still lives with her parents, she probably shouldn't be having sex, which is what I would assume you were planning ti do. Either way, why would y'all try and do it when there are PARENTS in the sane house?!

Having sex is legal at the age of 16 in USA.

Age of consent varies from 16-18 in the US depending on state, but because of statutory rape laws, even if two people are under the age of consent, they can still have sex. For example, because of bad law writing, two 11 can have sex and it's perfectly legal, as long as nobody who is older is involved.

soyeah_whatsup 4

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend having a romantic evening with my mom. When I asked him why he cheated he replied "she got here first." FML

autumnt_504 1

Ha that's actually a funny scenario

Bahahahaha I can't stop laughing thank you so much