By Rollymouth - 02/09/2010 01:26 - France

Today, I talked to my crush for half an hour. It wasn't until I was home that I realised I had some remains of the sausage roll I ate an hour earlier spread all over my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 826
You deserved it 8 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AudaciouslyInsan 0

Ooooooh, that really sucks. I hate it when you have something stuck in your teeth and you don't notice until after you've talked to a lot of people. FYL, OP. You'll live though


PurplePigeon 0

It wasn't really "lol" worthy...but whatever. OP: ALWAYS check your teeth after you eat. It's when you don't that sausage roll(sounds gross) gets all up on your grill.

turtlemansam 6

Well, maybe she didn't notice, unless you made out or sumthin. Yeah she probly noticed.

XuniqueX 7

YDI for sounding like a cartoon character

just tell him you were practicing your sausage eating skills, he'll be sure to like you then

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

is the op guy or girl? and maybe they didn't notice.

PimpdaddyCJT 13

get that Wiener out your mouth and his in then he won't be your crush he will LOVE you :P

#1 you sound like an idiot. but anyways, OP, this is not an FML because you embarrassed yourself infront of your crush. Your life does not suck. You deserved it for thinking it's an FML.

I'd say stop eating sausage rolls fatty! but you're in France so maybe you aren't fat like most of the sausage roll eating Germans and Americans, lol. so I give up ;)

Ewww man. Homer walked around for 3days with a piece of chicken on his face. It wasn't a small piece either--it was a whole chicken wing.

UziTopete 0

big deal. if she talked to you for a whole half an hour then she obviously has some interest in you.

No #5... the sausage roll is his grill

OwN3d3d 0

ydi for not brushin ur teeth or ydi even more if ur like my friend who brushes his teeth before he eats breakfast

wellllll, when I read this I thought of "penis breath." then I giggled for abit and decided to say : FYL :)

il show you a sausage roll *drops pants*

I didn't see anything that implied OP was male... But maybe that is just how he rolls with sausage

yes always practice with things on a larger scale so when the real deal comes you will be able to handle the miniature

TaylorTotsYumm 10

14, I think you missunderstood Freeze's comment.

AudaciouslyInsan 0

Ooooooh, that really sucks. I hate it when you have something stuck in your teeth and you don't notice until after you've talked to a lot of people. FYL, OP. You'll live though

JocelynKaulitz 28

he probably would have wanted to lick it off (:

Lizza330 28

That sucks. But how do you not know there's something on your teeth? What's 'anti-flood'?

Stops you from going nuts and posting things too quickly. For example: Flooding the comments with spam.

Lizza330 28

Oh, but I only posted one comment.

It doesn't monitor how many comments you post, but how quickly you post them.

530boy 0

Brush your teeth after you eat, and don't eat unhealthy crap like sausages, they make you fat. If you get fat, your crush will not talk to you ever again and you will be single and fat. Then you'll have to post an FML about how your jeans can rip because they can't hold your lard in.

You take your toothbrush with you when you go out? little obsessive... most people chew gum OP probably only just ate it when they ran into their crush.

LeighMoreno 0

Eh, I lick my teeth a lot for some weird reason, so that wouldn't have gotten past me. But I guess you don't do that huh, Op?

Graawr 7

You should always check your teeth after eating. But that sucks op.

jem12 0

10- haha. yeah next time check your teeth when you finish eating.