By gottapee - 26/04/2011 23:11 - United States

Today, I stepped outdoors for a minute. The wind blew the door shut, locking me outside. I've spent the last two hours pounding frantically on the windows, trying to wake my 4 year old son who is inside. I can see him sleeping soundly on the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 690
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go for a walk and smell the roses.You don't need to be inside. Just don't get run over by a goat.

He's pretending. Shout through that you've got some money and toys for him. That'll get him to open the door.


kaptvesou1 4

how about getting a neighbor to call a lock out service... retard.

cldean24 4

Break the **** into your house! Then you can pretend to be an intruder, your kid will never sleep soundly again. This is also a prime example of why I want to buy lock picking devices and keep them with me at all times. Or so I can rob people.

RaVeN53 7

ok so u obviously have some way to communicate with ppl since ur on FML, have u thought of callin anyone? police maybe O_o

And if they don't have a house phone? Not all people have house phones you know I know I don't we depend on our cell phones in this house.

Not everybody has a house phone. There have actually been studies into the fact that the use of landlines is declining because relying on one's cell phone is cheaper.

2499287 0

by saying you could see him why didn't you use whatever your on to get someone to help you.

Ilikethenamesam 3

One time when I was a kid I had really bad diarrhea and I tried yelling for my parents down the hall because my butt hurt when I tried to stand but my parents sleep with a pillow over their head and earplugs FML

Same. Lady, it's only going to get worse.

bamfxd 4

Haha I'm locked out of my house right now. I've waited 3 hours so far for someone to come home.

You should have an extra key hidden somewhere outside the house just for this event.

Contrary to popular belief that is a really dumb idea. The key may be useful if you get locked out but it also just invites people breaking in because no matter how well you think you've hid a hide-a-key, someone will find it. The neighbors are likely to see you hiding a key, and smart thieves automatically check the top of the door frame and look around for those fake rocks and crud and check under real rocks. The better thing to do is have locks that absolutely can't lock behind you if you don't want them to.