By laptopsRus - 19/05/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, while I was on my laptop, I decided to take a nap. Little did I know that my leg was covering up the cool air intake underneath the machine. I woke up an hour later with a first degree burn on my thigh. From a laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 911
You deserved it 45 210

Same thing different taste


monkeyz0r 0

ouch ydi tho haha my laptop gets really hot too but i dont fall asleep with it on

I'm holding up the bs flag. it'll get hot, but not first degree burn hot.

u cant feel ur leg starting to burn ? lol

YDI why would you sleep with your laptop what if you kicked it off or something? that is just dumb it's like you want it to break

toaster468 0

@Sammy that's not totally true, Mac books/pros get very hot, but maybe not first degree hot...

toaster468 0

@Sammy that's not totally true, Mac books/pros get very hot, but maybe not first degree hot...

gb_chrs 2

first degree burn is like sunburn, and people could fall asleep while sunbathing... so it is possible, I guess.

Are laptops comfortable to sleep on?

I'm sorry, but so? Yeah, it's a burn. Big whoup - it'll heal over. Your laptop is fine. You didn't lose any property. No one found out.

I bet you're a real pleasant person to be friends with, huh.

FBIWarning 0

It wouldn't burn you if your leg was covering the intake, it would just stop the air flow into the laptop from that air vent...

at least your battery didn't fry. that happened to me, and it took the hard drive with it.

deaditegirl 0

YDI. Laptops and naptime don't mix.

YDI. Dumb. Are you a leg model? No? You didn't lose your job, or work you've done on the computer? No? Then really who cares. Boo-hoo. Have a Hello Kitty band-aid, and a warm bottle of milk then.