By angrymadman3542342 - 12/11/2009 06:58 - Canada

Today, I started talking to a friend about how he needs to stop overreacting and getting angry very easily. He kicked sand up in the air, and it came back into his eyes. He started getting angry, and when I told him this is what I was talking about, he hit me in the nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 038
You deserved it 7 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

matrael 0

I hope you whooped his ass for that little douche move. You tried to be a friend and was nice about it and got sucker punched for your efforts. Douche bags like that need an ass kicking to help them realize how much of a little bitch they're acting like. Have fun

With friends like him, who needs enemies? Consider breaking off this "friendship" before he does more than hit you.


Never tell someone who is bipolar to calm down just make sure they think that you think that they are right And then they wont hurt you

What!!! Knowing he had anger issues, it was brave of you to say it to his face.

muffinsareyummy 1

when i got to the part about the sand coming back into his eyes, i played the scene out in my head. five minutes later and i'm still laughing.

thebabibunni 0

lol i dont really know why but this made me laugh haha

Haha. You seriously call this guy a friend? He sounds about a few pumpkins short of a full pie. Lose him.

LOL I'd advise you not to unfriend with this one unless you don't mind moving... Out of Country... In an armored truck... *shudders*

Yeah if you don't break off the friendship immediately, consider yourself highly codependent and in need of help. lol

Maybe he was trying to get some sand off your nose.