By Crying - 29/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, I started crying in class because of a sad part in the book I was reading. I got pulled out into the hallway and my male teacher asked, "Is it your special time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 980
You deserved it 8 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Friggin' turn his dumb condescending misogynistic ass in to the administration.

I don't think misogynistic means what you think it means.

SlaveToRetail 10

How the **** is that misogynistic? Awkward, yes, but really? HARDLY.

It's definitely not misogynistic, but it is kind of rude to assume that she was only crying because she was on her period. Like #52 said, he should have considered that there are other logical causes for emotion other than periods... He would have just asked her what was wrong.

Someone learned a vocab word today and wanted to test it out..

Someone learned a vocab word today and wanted to test it out..

oh, yes it is mysoginistic! she's upset and his immediate conclusion is that she's menstruating. he obviously thinks that girls aren't capable of the emotions of sorrow or anger or frustration unless they're experiencing some sort of hormonal imbalance.


So I'm guessing you were Team Jacob?

bubo_fml 10

What's so special about hemmoraging all over the place like a horrific crime scene?

tek8709 3

wow this isnt even a fml situation this is just stupid....**** you op for waisting our time

Why is this in FML? It's more just an awkward moment caused by an ignorant teacher.

Well, at least he was trying to be understanding...

musicluvr2000 11

Teachers... Always concerned

Well I least he/she cares. I know teacher who would not give a shit.

monkiki62 5

You'd think teachers would get reprimanded for being douchebags. He sounds like a creeper to me.

SlaveToRetail 10

#48: "awkkk?" Why can't you spell? Is it your special time? I know I get kinda spacey during my special time and say/type weird things.