By Crying - 29/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, I started crying in class because of a sad part in the book I was reading. I got pulled out into the hallway and my male teacher asked, "Is it your special time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 980
You deserved it 8 569

Same thing different taste

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Dear Girls, If the teacher doesn't understand you and let you out because of your period, then you complain. If the teacher tries asks you, if you want to go out because of your period, then you complain. Please refrain from being an idiot. Sincerely, Roppar

Hahahaha! Special time?! Yep. Some "special time" it is when we bleed for a week...

Ha, reminds me of this week's episode of modern family lol. They were all so emotional!! :-D

Today I was bored so I called a boy who I met yesterday and gave oral to while I was under the influence. I told him if he gave me a ride home I would give him road head. He told me he'll be over in a bit. He arrived and I got in and gave him what he promised. He then dropped me off and I went inside my house. I then received a phone call from the boy saying his identical brother stole his phone and car. Fml

maddonkey 3

Y would ur teacher assume that girls cry on their ''Special Time''!???

redhedsaysrawr 18

i cry easily on my Special Time....

Wow never heard of a book so emotional

xxJazz2194xx 3