By Rachel - 23/10/2014 04:04 - United States - Waynesburg
Same thing different taste
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States
By bastardddd - 11/04/2009 01:47 - United States
Puppy love
By Anonymous - 22/12/2024 20:00 - United States
By helpme - 25/09/2015 13:46 - United Kingdom - Cardiff
Not so secret anymore
By Lovenotes - 17/10/2009 23:05 - United States
By sexyredhead - 14/02/2012 18:14 - United States
Sad sad sad
By Anonymous - 09/09/2015 00:03
By perverted teenage girl - 29/11/2016 21:51
By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 19:36 - United States
Top comments
Think of it in a good way; maybe he did. Studies show that the average "crush" lasts for 4-6 month.
Yeah if it exceeds 4-6 months, it means you're in love!
12- Not really... if you have a of thing for someone, it's not like you wake up one day 7 months later suddenly in love. I feel like you actually have to get to know someone before you can be in love with them, love doesn't just automatically happen when it's been six months. (Sorry if you were being sarcastic and I didn't get it)
or you are a crazy stalker... js
Yeah, but she said she liked him for years..
I'm pretty sure 12 was being sarcastic :p but it's impossible to read sarcasm in text lol
I've had a "crush" on the same guy since 8th grade. I'm in 11th now.
#17 I meant scientifically not feelings wise
Scientifically? How can you be scientifically in love, but not "feelings wise" in love?
I think what the teacher was saving her from was having to read it out loud in front of the class, as many American and Canadian students are forced to do when caught passing notes.
I don't know about the states, but where I am in Canada I'm petty sure no teacher is "forced" to read any notes out loud. In fact I doubt they're even advised to. To be honest I think that's a law suit waiting to happen. I'm not encouraging a law suit or saying that it would be right, But I can just see a parent suing the teacher, and probably the board, because something was read in a students note and then the kid gets bullied and picked on for it; and if that kid ever committed suicide or something then it would be huge. I understand not allowing notes to be passed, but reading a students private conversation or feelings out loud to the class is just demeaning and unfair in my opinion. I imagine kids have been picked on because of what was read out loud to the class. Just rip the note up, and throw it out...problem solved.
Am I the only one who is genuinely surprised that people still pass notes in class???
or maybe he destroyed all chances of happiness with your crush... jerk
What a **** block
well op is a girl... so idk if **** block is the best term lmao
OP could just re-write the note if they wanted to though it is embarrassing
Maybe he is a guy, that's why his teacher thought he would be embarrassed.
Ok op is called Rachel, so I think it's save to say she's a girl...
**** shunt?
How about vajected?
Damnit I was just going to say Twat Swatter lol
Clam jam.
Vajected is the best I've seen so far and I just XD
Clam Slam...
he may have had a point. but don't let that stop you from trying to fing happiness.
that's not his decision to make or his business to be in. that's up to the crush and OP. just write a new one, bc he might like you. Idk many guys who liked passing or writing notes back and forth if they didn't like them.
That's a dick move
Pretty mean way of handling things on the teacher's end. These things should just be left alone, the least he could have done was just throw it away and say he enforces his no notes in class policy. I hate when people act like they're arbiters.
Well.. at least he didn't read it out loud in front of the class. That would've been way more embarrassing.
He was probably just jealous that you had feelings for a guy. He may be having a crisis with his own relationship. Who knows.
Jealousy? That's the best you could think of?
I said who knows. Honestly you can never know. People can be very selfish and take out their own feelings on others. I have a teacher like that. Its not "the best I can think of". Its a sad reality.
Well now you'll just have to pour your heart out to your crush in person OP
I think he actually did save you. Your crush would've probably freaked out finding about it on a note.
i agree. if you're passing notes, you're probably sitting close. if he was freaked out, he wouldn't be able to get away, and he would feel awkward the rest of class
I agree as well. It's one thing to tell a crush you like them, it's another thing to tell them all your "passionate feelings" that you've had for them for several years. That note probably would've been awkward and put a lot of pressure on the guy. It's probably better to just tell him you like him and see if he wants to go on a date or go to the movies as oppose to pouring your heart out. That way it's not a lot of awkwardness, and less pressure, for him. Plus, if he doesn't share your feelings, there's a better chance of becoming, or remaining, friends without any awkwardness.
Harsh :/ but passing notes in class over something so personal isn't smart I guess

Think of it in a good way; maybe he did. Studies show that the average "crush" lasts for 4-6 month.
Well.. at least he didn't read it out loud in front of the class. That would've been way more embarrassing.