By Crying - 29/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, I started crying in class because of a sad part in the book I was reading. I got pulled out into the hallway and my male teacher asked, "Is it your special time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 980
You deserved it 8 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Were you reading looking for alaska? That book made me bawl.

d0vahkiin 0

I sense she was reading Hunger Games ;)

LadyJoker21 0

Perv radar going hella crazy

Sounds like a pervert. Hope you gave him a disgusted look

Maybe she was reading Harry Potter. I'm a guy, and almost bawled when Dobby died!

Omg I did that too!! Glad I'm not the only one!! It's weird because I never cry at movies or sad stories but this one book got me bc it brought me back to a sad moment in my life and I could not stop crying for hours after class or even after just reading it. Thinking about that book made me cry out an ocean. My prof must have been so confused. Glad he was more understanding than yours was. It's ok. Just cry it out. It will pass.

s1ckpup 0

3 apples up on top has to be one of the world's most saddest books of all time... And "are you my mother". It just brought a tear to my eye just typing the titles and thinking about it :'(

76transam 0

Educated idiots... gotta love em