By Crying - 29/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, I started crying in class because of a sad part in the book I was reading. I got pulled out into the hallway and my male teacher asked, "Is it your special time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 980
You deserved it 8 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hanseliz 0

That is so funny. I cry when I read a good book. Luckily I don't do it in class

Seem a little inappropriate but at least he's concerned? :)

MamieJoy98 7

I somewhat feel ya! I live in MI and I had a panic attack in front of prob 20 people because I gad to present my board in class... I ended up going to the office, AND having to present in front of the same 20 people the next day! and I still have 4 years left of school with them.

HolyPotato 9

Guys tend to bring out their dickish side when a chick's on her period.

MamieJoy98 7
BornToFlyThenDie 0

One of my friends was on her period and she had to ask our male gym teacher to go to her locker. He asked her why and she hesitated. He replied with, "Go now." it was funny!

Figures: our "special time" is bleeding out of our vaginas and a male's "special time" is jacking off and having orgasms. Yep, life's fair.

At least you don't have to listen to yourselves complain about every bloody thing. See what I did there?

Oh god, this is like that time when my male teacher asked me if the black lace tank top I was wearing under my shirt was my bra.

Saint707 1

if you were reading twilight then u deserved it!