By astraboy - 21/05/2009 09:11 - Australia

Today, I spent 3 hours making a birthday card for my boyfriend, delicately cutting each letter out of printed coloured paper. He used it as a coffee coaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 185
You deserved it 8 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When someone does that kind of shit with stuff I make, I stop caring about getting them anything special. Next time just grab a card and sign it, since he doesn't seem to care. By the way, don't print out colored paper just to cut out. Go out and buy construction paper, it's cheaper.

deaditegirl 0

What a jerk. Even if he's not into the sentimentality of cards or whatever, he should at least show some appreciation for you and your effort.


Be grateful he kept it at all. Any card I get gets read once, scanned for money, and tossed straight in the recycling.

stupid_ass_peopl 0

oh no! he used your card for something! poor you! What he did wasn't mean. Maybe it was stupid, doing something that would hurt your feelings RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. just because he didn't think, that doesn't make him a bastard. Oh and #31, not to burst your bubble, but your bf didn't necessarily think it was "the nicest thing you've ever done" it's real easy to say that. he was more sensitive to your work than this guy was, but it doesn't make him an angel. And you. #25, just because we don't see as much value in something, doesn't make us douchebags. sure, its OUR fault that we don't flounce around showing everyone something that you did. There's a difference between being appreciative and bowing down to you because you did something that wasn't asked for, the OP has a right to be hurt. you have no reason to be angry

stupid_ass_peopl 0

for those of you who are reading this on an iPhone app, #31=#29(on the app) #25=#23(on the app)

I would be hurt if my boyfriend did something like that. But chances are, if he did it, he probably didn't realize it would hurt your feelings. It seems like common sense to girls, but guys don't think the same way. #103, you're an ass hole. Why do you have to get so insulting and defensive over something that doesn't even concern you? People are so rude.

Be Happy He Atleast Used It, My Boyfriend Left His In His Car, I Found It Almost A Month Later!! =]

JayCee45 0

Your boyfriend is an inconsiderate dick btw. I'm sorry about that!

And if he drinks coffee a lot he'll always remember it

XxHeartBrokenxX 0

Awww I wish I knew someone like you. That's sweet of you :) I'd love if someone put that much effort into something for me. Really though, dump him for not apreciating you.

What a wanker XD I would've slapped him. I agree with the comment above me; I'd love for someone to make that much effort.