By leapple - 14/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I spent 2 hours doing my hair, doing my make-up, and picking out an outfit to meet some men. On chatroulette. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 729
You deserved it 37 288

Same thing different taste

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Today, I spent ten minutes getting my dick ready and findig the perfect pose so I could show the world what I got on chatroullete. WIN

Whyyyyyy would you want to meet men on chatroulette, of all places?


valdancer99 0

Chatroullette and Omegle are both dangerous. If you give out info. If you don't it dosent really matter what OP wants to do on the website.

today it took me 2 hours to get dressed just to speak to a huge dick.FYL

He'll. I do that just to mess with people..

not really meeting men... you're literally meeting mens penises.. chat roulette = dicks and balls

I've done that before but I didn't take 2 hours to do my hair. I just put on makeup an a nice shirt haha.

__nines 13

I'm sorry but that's just sad....

Only in CT. Make sure to change into your Sunday best when you take a break to use the bathroom