By sunshine19217 - 18/01/2011 23:07 - United States

Today, I took the time to make myself look nice just so that the pizza guy would think I had a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 513
You deserved it 8 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UpsidedownKayak 9

OP, he delivers pizza to you, I don't know how often, but he does. He knows you always order a single pizza and that there is no one there with you. Sorry, but you aren't fooling him but you might get him inside to deliver his tip. Does this sound like the beginning of a **** movie to anyone else?


ydi for using make-up to cover up your fugliness.

oh he already knows u don't have a life.

ivanoff 0

she wanted to hump the pizza guy!

we don't. but it's always nice to have some eye candy while working

Never mind why would he care, why would SHE care enough to put make-up on just to prove you have a life? Here's an idea; actually go get a life.

Alanah101 0

Once I got a free pizza. Well, only because he brought me the wrong one. lol. OP, don't order another pizza. Get dolled up, get out and treat yourself! :)

zy135 1

How does shew deserve it? What if the pizza guy coulda been cute so she coulda gotten a date with him

The fact that she was ordering a whole pizza to eat alone makes you wonder about that...

onlywhenyourdrea 0

Its not like you can order half a Pizza. Besides, I doubt she was going to eat the whole Pizza at once.

Aww. Well, I suppose he was cute? Maybe you could get a date with him and have a life.

IneffableLullaby 13

Instead of wishing you had a life, why don't you go out and get one? Pick up a new hobby that's fairly social. Problem solved.

I did the same thing but I turned up the volume and made it look like I had friends over

It's the pizza guy, he doesn't care about your looks and whether you have a life or not, he cares about your tip.

and you know what? he probably did! mission accomplished. either that or he was hoping you'd seduce him. either way, your lying worked out for the better.

mintcar 9

Hahaha, you think he really cares? He probably already hates job, he doesn't have time to think about whether you have a life or not.