By Anonymous90 - 24/07/2010 23:59 - Canada

Today, I spent 100 dollars on lingerie. I put it on, walked out to the living room, and told my boyfriend to follow me into the bedroom. He said no, then pretended to fall asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 917
You deserved it 6 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicknesser 0

Who needs lingerie? Walk out there naked. Duh!


haha u should of just walked out naked if he didn't move then then dump him

OriginalPooh01 0

Hopefully your not a fatass trying to look sexy. Hopefully your boyfriend isn't scared of you. YDI for not being lovable. >:D

Omg haha i'd beat my boyfriend up if he did that!

Ydi for spending that much on something that is about to be on the ground anyway. .

How rude. An "I'm sorry, I don't feel up to it" would have been infinitely preferable. Acting as if your attempts to show your sexual side are boring? I would have probably dumped him, and I put up with a man who wanted sex less often than every two weeks for nearly three years.

martin8337 35

OP, if it was me, I'd follow you in a New York minute.

WooHooBar 10