By "BunnysKitty" - 15/09/2017 23:15

Today, per my boyfriend's request, I bought some lingerie. He got so excited when he saw me, he ripped it off me right away. After we were done he used it to clean up. I essentially bought a $40 cum rag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 057
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It kinda seems like he should be paying for the lingerie if he's going to treat it like it's his to destroy.

CheekyRaccoon 27

If his name is Jack, then he'd be Jack the ripper.


CheekyRaccoon 27

If his name is Jack, then he'd be Jack the ripper.

Isn't that exactly what's supposed to happen with lingerie?

Not really? Why use the expensive undergarments to wipe off the post-coitus grossness?

I was thinking more about the quickly tearing it off part than the cum tag part.

mayhem95 12

sounds like you've been through this before ??

exileonmainst 16

In Tom Haverford's voice "Treat yo self!".

It kinda seems like he should be paying for the lingerie if he's going to treat it like it's his to destroy.

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He should definitely be paying for the lingerie he's going to rip off you. For the lingerie you plan to treat like normal clothing, that should be negotiable. Start wearing granny panties to force his hand!

Great idea. You can also make him go buy it.

Lobby_Bee 17

You wrapped yourself up like a Christmas gift and presented yourself like one. What did you expect? At least he still finds you very attractive.

boopingsnoot 24

Having clothing literally ripped off of your naked body is not nearly as enjoyable as **** would lead you to believe

I have to agree with it's not enjoyable to have it ripped off. That's actually how I got a huge scar. My boyfriend pulled so hard it actually cut pretty deep into my skin before actually ripping. A definite mood killer

She did this for him because he asked. Of course expect to get him excited, but you can still expect to be handled with care. Unless you like it rough of course.

crazycatlady88 3

Make him pay for it next time. He won't rip it off then.

As much as I do love having my clothes ripped off of me or pulled off with teeth, I do understand the frustration of spending money on something that gets ruined so quickly. :/ Still fun to buy.