By fark - 20/11/2014 20:45 - Ireland

Today, I slipped on a wet floor at the supermarket and busted my nose. It wouldn't be as embarrassing if I hadn't missed the "CAUTION: WET FLOOR" sign that I'd put there myself just 30 minutes earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 474
You deserved it 9 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Hopefully you didn't hurt the floor ...


To people saying "why isn't the floor dry after 30 minutes" OP might not have washed the floor but floor might be wet due to the torrential r

For the people wondering why the floor wasn't dry after 30 minutes; the floor mightn't have been wet from OP washing it but wet because of the torrential rain and flooding we've been having across Ireland for the last while.

A floor definitely dries way faster than 30 minutes unless you mop your floors in puddles.