By conley19 - 15/09/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, at work a little girl wanted a slushie. Instead of pushing the tab in, she lifted it up and broke the machine, spilling slushie all over the floor. I was the only one working, so I had to clean it all up. I spent the rest of my shift covered in red slushie and smelling like cherry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 246
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musu_fml 0

You must be pretty rubbish at cleaning if you managed to get it all over yourself. What did you do, lie down on the floor and roll back and forth in it until your clothes soaked it all up?


She didn't find hers, she only took mine >:C

She could've taken yours though. Why meee D:

She saw my LiveLavaLive bracelet, obviously, and made the right choice.

Aw ****. I danno what to do nao then ¯|(°_o)/¯ you and your LiveLavaLive powars D:

Teehee! At least I didn't break out the Nat love.

1000 AWESOM POINTS AWARDED TO MERCY! -insert fanfare here-

wintamint101 7

what's wrong with smelling like cherry?? yummy :) cherries smell goooood-it's better then dog crap anyways do u shud b greatful :)

Today, I did my job. I left smelling like cherries. FML

Tell people you have explosive menstrual periods... which smell like cherry.

Zhejan 0

How the hell did you get covered in cherry? Are you retarded, or did you willingly lie down in the puddle and roll around?

LMAO I can see someone doing that xD Are the tabs for the machine really that flimsy?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cherrryyyy and third!

At least she didn't come in and break a 12 pack of beers open. The complications could have been terrible.

mo_the_owl 0

one word: Robitussin. *shivers*

You should probably not type in chatspeak, capitalize, and use punctuation before you try calling anybody dumb.

The main reason I liked your comment was your picture is freaking hilarious!

It's better than being covered in vomit. Kids also tend to do that.

Worse things to be covered in, I would have thought. :/

That blows :( FYL _____________________________