Treacherous weather

By Dopamin3 - 20/03/2019 06:00

Today, as I was driving to a conference two hours away, a giant piece of ice fell off a truck and did severe damage to my car's hood and busted the front light. The car was a few months old with around 5000 miles on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 260
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like a good neighbor..... nah jk sucks but happened to a friend of mine. Truckers insurance more than covers it. Just like cars they are responsible for clearing off the entire vehicle.

The fact that it landed on your hood makes me wonder if you were tailgating.


Like a good neighbor..... nah jk sucks but happened to a friend of mine. Truckers insurance more than covers it. Just like cars they are responsible for clearing off the entire vehicle.

You ought to present this story at the conference. No matter what the subject matter, this tale will be more interesting than 90% of the papers!

IrieStorm 9

I hope you got the truck's info, their insurance should cover it.

The fact that it landed on your hood makes me wonder if you were tailgating.

In my state, it would not matter if the OP was tailgating. It is illegal to drive with any snow or ice on your car. The roof, hood, & trunk all must be completely cleared.

Could have been passing on the right. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.

You have the same luck as me, car was 3 days old and on the highway a semi in another lane hit a cone as he was going down an exit and it flew at the car and scraped it.