By oh no - 06/06/2016 15:45 - United States - Rochester

Today, I set my phone down at work in the back while I helped a customer. When I came back it was gone. It took me twenty minutes to find, duct taped to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 3 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty smart for a prank. You'd keep calling your phone and go crazy trying to figure out where it was ringing from.


Sounds like you got into a bit of a sticky situation.

kamryno 22

Any chance your name is Dwight Schreve?

kamryno 22

Ah sorry I honestly wasn't sure about his last name but no one else had commented yet so I was in a hurry to be first and didn't check it. My bad!

This is why you don't rush to be first. Do you want it fast, or do you want it good?

Are we talking about sex? Because I'm fine with either.

And by the way, it's Andy Bernard whose phone gets put in the ceiling as a prank.

That's pretty smart for a prank. You'd keep calling your phone and go crazy trying to figure out where it was ringing from.

it would be more difficult if the phone profile was set to silent mode.. I usually have the silent mode on most of the time.

#8 Assuming the phone wasn't on silent mode.

I can imagine peeling off the duct tape and finding sticky residue all over your phone. Coworker be like "It's just a prank bro".

stangbang92 17

Come on this isn't an FML. It was just a funny prank. In a month you'll find it funny. Unless of course your being bullied in that case report the situation to the manager.

stangbang92 17

Moderated for saying this was a prank? What the hell is FML coming to now a days? Prolly gonna delete this app soon.

Find the co-worker that did this monstrosity to you and then duct tape him/her to the ceiling.

That's actually hilarious. Start planning your awesome revenge prank immediately. Lol