By oh no - 06/06/2016 15:45 - United States - Rochester

Today, I set my phone down at work in the back while I helped a customer. When I came back it was gone. It took me twenty minutes to find, duct taped to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 143
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty smart for a prank. You'd keep calling your phone and go crazy trying to figure out where it was ringing from.


Are you sure you didn't leave it there? I thought everybody duct taped their phones to the ceiling (:

AnonAli 6

Props for only having to search 20 minutes

You kind of deserve it OP. Either for using your phone at work while you should be helping customers or for not putting it back in your pocket.

Hilarious prank ahahaha. Next time you will put it on silent and stick it in your pocket. Lol

As much as that sucks for you, I have now found a perfect prank for when I go on holiday and visit my brother!

Suaria 38

Pshhh, phones these days runnin' off on their own! They don't make 'em like they used to!