By racchhh - 26/07/2009 15:25 - United States

Today, I sent a forward to everyone in my phonebook saying, "HOUSE PARTY-NO PARENTS, LOTS OF ALCOHOL, MAYBE A CHANCE TO HOOK UP." I then got a reply from my mom saying, "I'm probably the only one that would show up." Even my mom thinks I'm a loser, and I'm now grounded for 3 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 866
You deserved it 88 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Loser, srsly, who is dumb enough to not realize that they have their parents in their contacts?

I was gonna put some witty comment, but I realized your mom beat me to it.


sondramcfail 0

That's what I was thinking, haha.

1. You're an idiot! 2. ONLY THREE WEEKS?!

zolitical 0

ROFL you're a total genius.

"maybe some sex?" ...oh my god, i would seriously laugh my ass off if i got a text saying that. loserrrrrr.

dg72592_fml 0

fail at being cool. here is how to do it. text one friend- "i have an open house saturday, trying to have people over" next thing you know, people, drinks, party. also how did you forget your mom was in your phonebook? for real though?

You're a fackin idiot. YDI for being such a loser. Maybe you can learn some tips on how not to fail from your mom.

xD You dummy. I wouldn't go to one of your parties.