By budbunny13 - 30/06/2011 23:08 - United States

Today, I saw a pink, slimy thing coming out of my dog's knob. I got really freaked out so I took him to the vet, only to find out that it was his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 680
You deserved it 63 991

Same thing different taste


big_jazz19 5

Wiat until she sees him f**king another dog

OP's never seen a penis before, she's a fat virgin

"Red Rocket sparkey, red rocket!" -South Park

That really is very sad. How did she go through life without learning that?

Probably because almost no situation in life requires knowledge about the dog penis. On a different note, do Americans really give a dog's penis nicknames? Red rocket? Pink lipstick? I've never heard of that.

dannnngthatsux 19

#371, it's not like there's some class you have to take, generally the first time a dog humps you or you see it hump something else..."Ow...That hurt...oh that's nasty." I grew up with a fixed Doberman who 'got 'hard' any time he was around a woman on her period. Go figure.

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

I bet you're gonna be the kinda person that tries to pull him apart when he's mating aren't you? I predict a long line of aggravation in his future, poor dog.

ReynshineCutting 10

Umm...most people try to pull apart their dogs during mating.

um, most people who try to "pull their digs apart" while mating are in fact, RETARDS. Since there is what's referred to as a "knot" keeping the male inside of the female and to "pull" them apart can lead to 1. damage to the male's penis & 2. tear the females vaginal canal. why do people who own pets not do research before getting one is just plain ignorance. you totally fail if you've tried to pull dogs apart.

ReynshineCutting 10

If you pull them apart right as the male mounts you won't hurt them. If you catch them in the act just beat the male senseless until he dismounts.