By Nancy - 08/07/2009 14:01

Today, I sat on an elevator for 10 minutes thinking I was stuck. After waiting awhile I looked at the screen to see what floor I was stuck on, only to realize I hadn't pressed a button so I had just stayed on the ground floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 269
You deserved it 63 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that sucks :/ I did that in a hotel once. haha there were two sets of elevators (1 from 1 - 13 and the other from 13 - 26) and I kept asking people "how do you get to level so and so" hahah it was embarrassing

thats not too bad... at least no one saw you


eli_guerra 0

It could have been a hour. Lmao..

Haha! My friend and I did that once. Don't worry, you're not alone xD

I have this feeling you're blond, aren't you? :P

wandaax03 0

I have this feeling that you're an idiot, aren't you?

I assume it wasn't your brightest moment. If it was, then I feel sorry for you.

Your life is ****** because you WEREN'T stuck in an elevator?

Just imagine how much it would suck if you WERE stuck in it!

Hahahahahaha.. Ha ha .. Hahaha.. HA.. Hehe.. Ha.. ha.. hahahaha.. you suck.. but I find it funny xD

lmfao!!! thats pretty stupid of you...but at least you weren't actually stuck in the elevator.

Hahaha, YDI P: Even though I've had similar happen - I'd go to push the button, not press it hard enough, then sat a minute or two waiting until I realized it hadn't registered the selection. But never 10 minutes!

MamaCita1633 0

Lol me and my friend did that before to. except at a beach condo in the elevator and we just walked aorund in circles waiting for someone to come fix it. when the person came all she had to do was press the button to get it ''fixed'' but oh well. it happens.

YoungTechnique 0

Your a ******* moron, this is a new a type of retard right here. YDI.