By Nancy - 08/07/2009 14:01

Today, I sat on an elevator for 10 minutes thinking I was stuck. After waiting awhile I looked at the screen to see what floor I was stuck on, only to realize I hadn't pressed a button so I had just stayed on the ground floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 269
You deserved it 63 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that sucks :/ I did that in a hotel once. haha there were two sets of elevators (1 from 1 - 13 and the other from 13 - 26) and I kept asking people "how do you get to level so and so" hahah it was embarrassing

thats not too bad... at least no one saw you


Hellsno 0

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahhahahaahhahaaaaa!!! At least you didn't hit the alarm buttong before you figured it out! lol

I read it and was laughing so hard and then I remembered my similar incident 3 weeks ago.

lastminuteperm 0

You are an idiot. 1) You spell a while one word when it's really two words 2) You, "sat ON an elevator." 3) The FML itself

When “awhile” is spelled as a single word, it is an adverb meaning “for a time”.... dumbass.

CONtinuing off thecanez post: which in the OPs post is the proper context you dumb ******. he sat on the elevator for a time. hence it would be spelled awhile. your attemp to be above the man has failed and you fail at life. go die in a fire you raging ******.

that can't possable be true a person in that situation would push the bottom a minute later If nothing happened they would push the emergency botton

Idiot. It doesn't take 10 minutes to reach a floor on almost elevator...

That's the point *idiot* (just using your own wording). They sat there for ten minutes because they thought they were stuck, not because that's how long it took them to reach a floor. ('On almost elevator'?) They deserve it, though. Jet

ive done that hahaha, but not for 10 min,, maby 10 sec then i realized i should be at my floor by now and was like o yea, push the button... :D

I did that and stood there for about a minute before realizing what I did lol

Guys chill, maybe the OP was exaggerating about "10 minutes," it could've been more like 1 minute. P.S. YDI. You fail still. P.P.S. #77's last sentence ROFL