By Tom - 26/06/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, I rushed home to tell my parents my girlfriend had accepted my proposal. They asked how I could be so selfish at a time like this. Apparently, Michael Jackson's death is more important than their son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 863
You deserved it 6 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, MJ's death was big news but family comes first.

Congrats! Soon you'll have a new family anyway.


ander3w 0

are you seriously comparing michael jackson to jade goody?

yorkiegirl1691 0

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing of him.

blondeychck7 0

omg, MJ came to my house today!

hellogoodbyexo09 0

Ok.He's dead.Big whoop.Get over it.He was a ******* pedafile for gods' sake, your parents should be proud of you!Congratulations,soon you're gonna move out and far far away from those bastards! :D :) ;D

I'm very disappointed in the comments claiming that you deserved this. And also disappointed in the arguments over whether or not Michael Jackson deserved to die. That's not the point here- I understand being upset, but life does go on outside of Hollywood's tragedies. Michael Jackson's death may have been saddening to some people, but as their son, your news should have, at the very least, been a temporary distraction from his death. That would still be somewhat pathetic, but better than nothing. Congratulations, by the way.

sadlife67 0

HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT MJ is probably better then u

cactus_fml 0

Your parents are dumb. People die all the time. Your son doesn't get engaged all the time (hopefully). It's not like they knew him. I'm pretty sure the days of MJ's decent music are long gone by now, even if he was planning a comeback. They should have been more upset about Farrah, anyways. For MJ's family, it sucks. For people who never knew Michael Jackson it's stupid to wallow in it. EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT THE WHOLE MOLESTATION THING: No, he wasn't found guilty of that, but he did openly admit in interviews that he slept in the same bed with young children that weren't his and found nothing wrong with it. To me, that's really, really creepy.