By Anonymous - 26/12/2012 04:56 - United States - Medina

Today, I woke up on my boyfriend's bedroom floor. When I asked him why I was there, he said I'd gotten too hot, so he rolled me off his bed. I have the flu and a fever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 622
You deserved it 3 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Edo369 8

Thats pretty rude... I wouldn't have woken my girlfriend up, I would've moved instead.

Your boyfriend is better than me because in my house when my boyfriend's sick I quarantine his ass. Still I'm sorry you ended up on the floor op, that was a cruel thing for your boyfriend to do especially when you're sick. Feel better op, but before you do make sure you give your boyfriend a big sloppy kiss for kicking you on the floor.


Skyanne 11

... Then why are you in your boyfriends bed? Go home & rest at your place, weirdo. Wanna get him sick too? :/ "merry christmas babe, got you the flu!" But, he shouldn't have rolled you off. That was rude.

Maybe they live in the same house, and something happened to her bed?

Skyanne 11

Eh, if they lived in the same house I'm pretty sure they'd just share a bed. But you could be correct, plausible theory.

nycwrestler 17

I would assume they don't live together, but only because she said her boyfriends bedroom floor and not her own bedroom floor. But anything is possible.

maxmex13 7

Either way, I think we can all agree that the boyfriend should have found somewhere else to sleep.

Anything other than rolling OP off the bed.

How do you not wake up after being rolled off a comfy bed to a hardwood floor?

Maybe op lives alone in her own house, but since she's sick maybe her bf let her stay with him for the night so she wouldn't be alone.

51- It didn't say what the floor was made of. That being said, you'd have to have pretty damned comfortable carpet to not wake up from that.

WhatYouMean 4

You just completely contradicted yourself -.-

Your boyfriend is better than me because in my house when my boyfriend's sick I quarantine his ass. Still I'm sorry you ended up on the floor op, that was a cruel thing for your boyfriend to do especially when you're sick. Feel better op, but before you do make sure you give your boyfriend a big sloppy kiss for kicking you on the floor.

10 go away, thread jacking is not welcome.

Edo369 8

Thats pretty rude... I wouldn't have woken my girlfriend up, I would've moved instead.

Skyanne 11

You're a legit gentleman, god bless you.

nycwrestler 17
Edo369 8

Haha thank you both. Even though its the same god, just a different name.

nycwrestler 17

Not to mention I am neither Muslim nor Christian.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Another gentleman! I'm not alone on this world then! A fine gentleman.

1bigcat 6

And that is why your girlfriends stories are not on FML...

If he was a good boyfriend he'd let you sleep and move onto the couch or something if he got uncomfortable. What's he going to do when you're pregnant and have morning sickness and stuff?

Really rude of him, but still, you should have slept in a separate bed or something, so he won't get sick too.

Wishez 12

Who ever said OP wanted to break up with him in the first place?

Mearemoi 14

Is that your solution for everything?

**** my car broke down, time to dump my girlfriend.

BellaBelle_fml 23

That is such an immature approach to relationships you have there. I'm guessing none of your relationships last long at all with that attitude.

If you have the flu you shouldnt be sharing a bed. Youll get him sick.

Hey, at least you're hot according to your boyfriend. On a more serious note, get well soon OP, having flu sucks.

How rude cant believe he done that to you :/ you can find a better guy who will give up the bed for u instead of pushing u off.