By Sickofbeingsick - 01/10/2011 05:17 - United States

Today, after a week of staying in at night and fighting off a persistent cold, I was finally feeling well again, so I decided to go to my boyfriend's work BBQ. I got food poisoning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 863
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoNotTheFace 8

So basically you had fluids coming out of your nose, then your mouth, then your ass. Damn. Call the plumber cos bitch got some pipe leaks.

Food poisoning is pretty bad. Ten to one the tater salad got you. Anything Mayo based you want to avoid at all costs at a function like that. I got food poisoning at a 4th of July work party a few years ago. Talk about misery. I thought I was going to die. Then I was afraid I wouldn't.


camera123 0

I thought you gotta love it? Oh shit (runs to the bathroom)

LOL you guys crack me up! Poor OP,I know how you feel.hence the username. FYL

At his next BBQ, you should poison the food so your not the only one getting sick.

You should have just had your boyfriend's hotdog instead.

i got it from an under done burger once. i didnt puke once, but i drfinitely could have. FYL OP

bbailey19 3

Bet it was vinegar based. Nasteh

crinx034 0

Eww vinegar based foods at a BBQ?

A lot of southern BBQ is vinegar based. For example, Memphis BBQ

crinx034 0

I should try it, might surprise myself.

btnhdude 0
olpally 32

It might have been good... Then the laxative took over... Yikes..

winnn_fml 0

You made your own choice to stuff your face with that food, why complaining

Yea, because the virus that cause food poisoning can be noticible like a dog humping your leg...

KiddNYC1O 20
winnn_fml 0

10 It's noticeable, you're welcome

Really #33, you can tell? Or are trolling with me for a chance to be funny and smart? My advice, stop trying, m'kay, or elsy you'll fail. MISERABLY, m'kay.

Buttsexpirate 9

It's all part of the plan! Mwahahaha! You'll be sick forever!

KennKenn 0

Probably the same friend who gave you the cold.

NoNotTheFace 8

So basically you had fluids coming out of your nose, then your mouth, then your ass. Damn. Call the plumber cos bitch got some pipe leaks.

reallytho3 11

Food poisoning is pretty bad. Ten to one the tater salad got you. Anything Mayo based you want to avoid at all costs at a function like that. I got food poisoning at a 4th of July work party a few years ago. Talk about misery. I thought I was going to die. Then I was afraid I wouldn't.