Fancy a snatch? A *snack, sorry.

By Crabcake - 21/09/2017 19:30 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my husband bought a luxury soap that smells like lemons. Now, every time I wash my private parts in the shower, it smells like a special at Red Lobster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 148
You deserved it 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... you may want to get that checked out with your GYN and see if there's an underlying cause for the non-citrus component to that particular smell combination.

Maybe you should go to the doctor and get checked for a yeast infection or BV it shouldn't smell like fish...


... you may want to get that checked out with your GYN and see if there's an underlying cause for the non-citrus component to that particular smell combination.

Maybe you should go to the doctor and get checked for a yeast infection or BV it shouldn't smell like fish...

So now you're your husband's catch of the day!

awildwhisper 30

Sounds like you've upgraded from fish to lobster, your husband might need to start making reservations with you and giving tips

So your genitals normally smell of lobster, and the addition of /lemon/ scent is the FML?

Lobby_Bee 17

Your husband will be eating in a lot more now.

Donut_Wizard 23

"Waiter! There is a pube on my lobster!" "Oh I am so sorry sir. We charge extra for that."

1. You shouldn't wash your private parts with soap, especially with scented soap. It's very harsh and vaginas are self cleaning. 2. If the smell is that bad you might want to get checked by your gynecologist.

I second this. Also remember to only wash the outside (thighs, labia majora) and use clean hands and regular water to rinse inside (labia minora & etc)

Exactly. Cleaning down there with scented soaps can upset your body's ph balance, which causes yeast infections and bacterial infections.

The fishy smell that came before the soap should worry her