By livingamongtheflowers - 15/05/2014 05:40 - United States

Today, I received yet another rejection letter from a college I'd applied to. After crying for a week about how lousy I felt, my older sister gave me all 6 of the acceptance letters she'd been hiding. Turns out she's been forging rejection letters and keeping the real ones in her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 040
You deserved it 5 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get the whole sibling rivalry thing, but your sister is a bitch.

When it's that time of the month for her, hide all of the pads and tampons in the house. She's gonna bloody regret messing with you :)


I get messing with your siblings, but that is messed up. This prank could easily have resulted in OP missing a deadline to a school he wanted as a result of not knowing it was an option. That was completely cruel.

What a jerk. What was the point of that?

Maybe OP's sister isn't doing so well in the real world, and wanted to see someone else in pain. Whatever the scenario, her sister's a jerk.

That was an extremely mean thing for your sister to do to you! I'm sorry. FYL.

Whatever her reasons, depending on the college, they could've had a deadline that could've passed before her little "joke" was up, causing OP to actually lose their spot. It sounds like sibling rivalry gone a bit far

That is one thing you shouldn't joke about. Practical joke gone way too far!

your sister doesn't sound very nice honey

We definitely need a follow up. If it was just a prank, that went a bit too far. If your sister is a bitch and you need proof, you have it.

mikaellikestacos 14

cut her. cut her in the eyes

Labyrinth13 20

Your sister is a ****. Congrats on getting six acceptance letters though.