By Sally - 17/01/2017 18:00

Today, I was heading out for lunch, and a co-worker asked me if I would pick up their pizza. I said yes, because, why not? Just as I arrived, they texted to inform me that the pizza was under the name "Anita Luong Duong". FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 284
You deserved it 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Given that Anita isn't a very common name, it's unlikely there's another order with that name. Maybe just ask for a pizza for Anita and don't say the full name to save yourself a little bit?

no it is a completely normal name, definitely not a joke whatsoever


Given that Anita isn't a very common name, it's unlikely there's another order with that name. Maybe just ask for a pizza for Anita and don't say the full name to save yourself a little bit?

<p>"...and poor Anita never received her pizza."</p>

<p>If you did not cover that pizza with footlong hotdogs before you brought it back, you missed an opportunityfor greatness.</p>

davek 36

<p>Did this pizza come with extra sausage?</p>

If you don't get what this means: "I need a long dong" ~you're welcome.

I would just show the text to the pizza place.

Was It a joke? Like "I need a long dong"

no it is a completely normal name, definitely not a joke whatsoever

jcash52426 5

I'm pretty sure whoever took the order and just put the order under your name.

<p>I can't be the only person who had to say that aloud to understand, right? I'm just glad my grandmother wasn't in the room.&nbsp;</p>