By Karaoke Queen - 20/11/2018 12:00

Today, I went to a work event and was having my picture taken with a coworker. Since we had done karaoke together, someone said we should pose like we were singing. I held my hand up like I was holding a mic and opened my mouth. It looked like I was performing a sex act. My boss glared at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 695
You deserved it 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah your boss needs to lighten up. Everyone knows that’s the universal pose for pretending to sing

Don't eat a banana at work because you might get fired for inappropiate behaviour I guess..


"That's right. I disapprove of you having fun. If it were up to me, I'd make fun illegal, and then you'd all understand what it's like to be ruled with an iron fist. For now, I shall bide my time, waiting for the day our glorious president not only rids us of illegal immigrants who are invading our country at will, but who will also make fun punishable by death! All glory to The Donald!"

Looks like you’re not going to have that strategy to get a rise out of your boss. (A pay rise, that is!) It’s going to be hard to get ahead in business.

Yeah your boss needs to lighten up. Everyone knows that’s the universal pose for pretending to sing

Don't eat a banana at work because you might get fired for inappropiate behaviour I guess..