By quick blow - 16/05/2012 02:53 - United States

Today, I received an email from my girlfriend listing 10 ways to stop premature ejaculation. Subtle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 927
You deserved it 7 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1) Think about Bieber 2) Think about Bieber 3) Think about Bieber Etc etc

DollyDope 17

At least she is trying to work through it with you instead of simply cheating or dumping you!


Caliborn_06 11

Better she try to help you out than leave you for not pleasing her

reddudeover 2

Queue the training montage music and I'm your coach. **** push ups, 1 a day.

XxHoPPoxX 8
juicifer 0

Well fix it...seems like she still likes you enough to say something and give it another go...

Sounds like she's ready for the "Top 5 most effective ways to satisfy your man via oral sex" book as well.

Cowboy1986 4

It's not a race sir you don't have to finish first everytime

perdix 29

I'll bet you came after reading 3 of the ways :D

Was it a joke email being forwarded to you that you took to heart?