By cchandler - 23/09/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from the number of a "single" guy I met online. It was his wife, who is three months pregnant. She threatened to kick my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 325
You deserved it 8 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That should have been a brief and polite conversation in which you informed said pregnant wife of her husband's online infidelities. Of course, the wife's anger towards you is completely misplaced, as it is her husband she ought to be mad at.

Why are these people such idiots? Be mad at your goddamn partner for being a cheating bastard instead.


MeatSucks777 0

hahaha stupid check his backround before hooking up :P

cupcake_19s 0

Hmmm, this is no fml for you. She's the one with a douchebag husband, and as far as she knows, OP could have known about his marriage. So it's nobody's fault but the husband

drayloon 50

She should kick her husband's ass, its not like you knew he was married

doglover100 28

Why do girls get mad at the other woman? Blame the douche who cheated on you, not her. They can plot revenge against the guy.

I would think his wife found the account and wanted to see whom he was cheating on

She should be pissed at her husband, not you. You didn't know.

xluciferx666 21

I would have told her to bring it

Why is she mad at you when she should be mad at her husband?